ZZBO / Products / Components for CBP / Belt Conveyors / LK 3-0,5 Belt Conveyor

LK 3-0,5 Belt Conveyor

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and delivery time

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in stock

Individual configuration
with prices for each item


in trucks or containers

Geography of supplies 2011-2024

Own production, in-stock products and
professional team allow us guarantee
most competitive prices, shortest
possible delivery time and high-quality goods

Call hotline in Kazakhstan

+7 (7172) 760-141

Our managers will answer all your questions from Monday till Friday:

from 06:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. (GMT+3, Moscow time)

Address: 010000, Kazakhstan, Akmola region,
г. Astana, prospekt Akžol, Zdanie 44, of. 32

e-mail: sales@zzbo.ru

Artem Kononovich

Director of the branch in Kazakhstan

Phone: +7 (7172) 760-141

e-mail: sales@zzbo.kz

Place your order

We will send you the price,
conditions and terms of delivery

Response within 1 hour

You will get the offer with
individual delivery and payment conditions