NESUSHKA movable Block Making Machine
13 482 840 ₸

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Mounting Frame |
Hydraulic cylinders traffic matrix, punch, box and boot clipper |
The loading module mixture passive agitator, hydraulic actuator |
hydraulic control unit with control cabinet |
Гидростанция мощностью 5,5 кВт. Комплектующие "RGC" (Италия) |
Passport to vibropress |
Guidelines on the preparation of concrete mixes |
Trolley for conveying a mixture of |
Capture cc |
Capture friction-clamping |
Ladle the mixture to download |
Press splitting the PC-20 wall stones |
BP-2G-375s Twin-shaft concrete mixer |
Concrete plant COMPACT 20 |
Concrete plant STANDARD-30 |
SKIP-30 Concrete Plant |
NESUSHKA movable Block Making Machine the size of the molding zone 1000 x 400.
Ideal for production sites from 400 sq. meters with a flat surface.
The plant is intended for the manufacture of various stone concrete wall (hereinafter stones) by semidry vibrocompression of concrete mixtures with different fillers.
The laying hen is a high-performance self-propelled equipment, during which several stones are formed and delivered directly onto a flat concrete working platform at the same time (depending on the dimensions of the resulting product). The applied method of obtaining molded products due to the forced packaging of the mixture in the cavity of the matrix with simultaneous two-sided vibration allows you to remove the molded stones in 30-40 seconds after loading the mixture.
К эксплуатации оборудования допускаются лица, прошедшие обучение на право работы, технического обслуживания и ремонта, знакомые с правилами техники безопасности. Исходным материалом для приготовления смеси служат заполнитель, вяжущее и вода. В качестве заполнителя могут использоваться песок, отсевы щебеночного производства, керамзит, шлаки, золы, опилки и любые другие сыпучие материалы, способные после смешивания с вяжущим приобретать и сохранять заданную форму. В качестве вяжущего применяется цемент.
When using a mixture based on cement, finished products are subjected to aging from 1 (at a temperature of +15⁰…+45⁰ С) to 2 (at a temperature of +5⁰…+10⁰ С) days, after which they acquire strength sufficient for storage and transportation. 100% strength of the product is acquired after 28 days at a curing temperature of 20⁰ С
- Has Russian counterparts, cheaper than imported versions in 4 ... 5 times
- Not required additional investment in the racks and trays
- Mobility (the ability quickly translate and organize production a new place)
- Organization of production of building materials next to the building
- allowed Work in the open air
- Molding zone 400 x 1000Height 200 mm products
- Transition from one product to another is not more 20 minutes
- The high quality of materials according to GOST
- Shot peening prior to application to the extent Sa 2 1/2 GOST P ISO 8501-1-2014
- Corrosion protection is made of two-component priming enamel based polyurethane-acrylic resin production Lankwitzer (Germany) in the spray-drying chamber ATIS
- 2-year warranty
Technical Features
- The size of the molding zone, mm x mm 400 x 1000
- The height of the molding zone, mm 120...200
- Power vibration table, kW 2,2
- Installed power, kW 9,2
- The frequency of the vibrating table fluctuations, Hz 60
- Hopper capacity, cu. m. 0,9
- the molding cycle time, s 30…60
- The number of moldings per hour, pieces 60...120
- The staff, the person 2
- mode semi-automatic
- Weight, kg 2,500


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Geography of supplies 2011-2024
Own production, in-stock products and
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most competitive prices, shortest
possible delivery time and high-quality goods
Call hotline in Kazakhstan
Our managers will answer all your questions from Monday till Friday:
from 06:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. (GMT+3, Moscow time)
Address: 010000, Kazakhstan, Akmola region,
Mr. Astana, prospekt Akzhol, building 44, of. 32

Artem Kononovich
Director of the branch in Kazakhstan
Phone: +7 (7172) 760-141

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