Vibropress PEGAS-2 for FBS blocks
и усеченного бордюра
25 649 736 ₸
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Rama vibropressa 2 napravlâûŝimi and traversoj |
Hydraulic cylinders traffic matrix, punch, box and boot clipper |
Puansonoderzhatel with a vibrator |
Механический синхронизатор матрицы |
Механический синхронизатор пуансона |
The loading module mixture passive agitator, hydraulic actuator |
Boot dimensional box |
Механический синхронизатор загрузочного ящика |
Hopper 3.3 m³ with hydraulic gate |
The universal matrix for the production of all types of blocks: PBS-3, 4-PBS, PBS-5, 6-PBS (length 2380 mm and 1180 mm) |
Vibration source 5 kW - operating time 10,000 hours |
rotary beam |
Гидростанция мощностью 7,5 кВт. Комплектующие "RGC" |
Hydraulic layout (steel pipe) |
semi-automatic control unit |
Passport to vibropress |
Пресс-форма для производства усеченного бордюра |
Matrix for the production of blocks with a length of 440 mm |
Matrix for the production of blocks with a length of 600 mm |
Matrix for the production of blocks with a length of 880 mm |
Concrete plant COMPACT 20 |
Concrete plant STANDARD-30 |
SKIP-30 Concrete Plant |
COMPACT-30 Concrete Plant |
Вибропресс ПЕГАС 2 для ФБС блоков – оборудование для производства фундаментных блоков ФБС по ГОСТ 13579-78, а также усеченного бордюра.
Вибропресс производит фундаментные блоки следующих типоразмеров: длина: 2380 мм, 1180 мм, 880 мм; ширина: 300 мм, 400 мм, 500 мм, 600 мм; высота: 580 мм. Длина блоков 2380 мм и 1180 мм в базовой комплектации, а длина 440, 600 и 880 мм как дополнительная опция, есть возможность изготовления усеченного бордюра по эскизу клиента.
FBD blocks manufactured on vibropress fully comply with GOST 13579-78, and are designed to strip foundations device basement walls and technical underground, the construction of industrial buildings, barrier structures and more.
Это новая, полностью переработанная конструкция уже показавшего себя в работе вибропресса Пегас.
Особенности новой модели:
- Strong one-piece frame design with triple safety margin. Excluded distortions and excesses during operation.
- The movement of the punch and die guides goes along guide 80 mm which provides more accurate entry of the punch plates and that ultimately provides minimal burrs after molding
- Бункер для хранения готовой смеси объемом 3,3 м³, его запаса хватает на производство 4…6 фундаментных блоков по ГОСТ 13579-78. На бункере установлены vibrators MVE 300/3 for causing the descent of the mixture from the hopper
- Measuring loading box, mixture which uniformly fills a block shape. Boot box is driven by two hydraulic cylinders, it moves along the guide rails. Installed synchronizer which prevents misalignment and provides a uniform motion
- All hydraulics Italian production повышенной надежности и производительности. Гидравлическая разводка выполнена из стального трубопровода.
- The powerpack is located under the loading pallet box that provides protection from mechanical damage and from the ingress of concrete mix.
- Vibration via vibrators MVE 300/3, total capacity 5 kW. MTBF increased 30 times - Up to 10 000 hours. Increased degree propressovki products by 30%.
- A separate control of the operator, situated in a convenient location from which to comfortably watch the whole production process of the foundation blocks.
- Minimum disassembly for transport.
- Performance 20 units h
- It performs all types of blocks FBS: FBS-3, 4-PBS, PBS-5, 6-FBS
- Производство усеченного бордюра по эскизу клиента
- 5.5 kW vibrators with 10,000 hours of operation
- Serves 1 person
- Minimized manual labor
- Hopper 3.3 m³ with hydraulic gate
- Shot peening prior to application to the extent Sa 2 1/2 GOST P ISO 8501-1-2014
- Anti-corrosion protection is made with a two-component primer-enamel PentriProtect PUR 700 based on polyurethane-acrylic resin in the ATIS spray booth
- 2-year warranty
Technical Features
- The size of the molding zone, mm x mm 2380 x 600
- The height of the molding zone, mm 580
- Power vibrators kW 5.5
- Total installed power, kW 17,4
- Hydraulic pressure, MPa 8...12
- The duration of a complete cycle, 180
- The number of moldings per hour piece. 20
- Емкость бункера, м³ 3,3
- Supply voltage, V/Hz 380/50
- mode semi-automatic
- Length, mm 2850
- Width, mm 3850
- Height, mm 2970
- The weight of the molding equipment, kg 2750
- Total weight, kg 6900
in stock
Individual configuration
with prices for each item
in trucks or containers
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Address: 010000, Kazakhstan, Akmola region,
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Artem Kononovich
Director of the branch in Kazakhstan
Phone: +7 (7172) 760-141
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