The process of preparing a model of a stationary concrete plant for the production of concrete products takes a few weeks, as it includes the arrangement of concrete
фундамента под размещение мощностей бетонного завода, прокладку коммуникаций для водоснабжения и электропитания, проведение шеф-монтажных и пусконаладочных работ. Совсем иная ситуация наблюдается при установке бетонного завода КОМПАКТ 45 производства ЗЗБО. Всего сутки уходят на разгрузку доставленного на двух еврофурах оборудования бетонного комплекса КОМПАКТ 45, его сборку, размещение на производственной площадке, пуско-наладочные работы и выпуск пробной партии бетонной смеси!
The main advantages of concrete factories ZZBO Series CD
Concrete plants ZZBO COMPACT series have a number of advantages over other types of concrete plants in the Russian market of construction equipment:
- Ready for production of high quality concrete mix according to the recipe and quality standards immediately after the placement of the delivered concrete mixing equipment and its assembly.
- The minimum period of time (24 hours), allowed for the assembly of BSU, commissioning and production of test batch of concrete.
- No welded connections required in the assembly of metal structures.
- The possibility of rapid dismantling of mixing technology with minimal effort due to the absence of welding joints in the assembly structure.
- To install the support frame and the trestles with loader is not required concreted foundation pit trailers, sufficient to equip the platform with a smooth hard surface.
- The problem is solved as relocation ordinary process step with the corresponding regulations.
Basic configuration COMPACT 45
Options concrete plant COMPACT 45 shows a modern concrete mixing equipment, produced at ZZBO, with an automatic control system of the world's leading manufacturers:
- Twin-shaft mixer BP-2r-1200 with loader;
- Hoist is equipped with electro-skip;
- Double pnevmozatvor «SMC»;
- Пневмораспределители, пневмозаслонки и фильтры-регуляторы
- Компрессор производства компании с рессивером на 270 литров;
- Тензодатчики ; управляющая и коммутационная аппаратура ; Программное обеспечение
High quality control equipment and the high strength concrete mixing equipment provide reliable uninterrupted operation COMPACT 45, with numerous relocation on construction sites.
CAMOZZI pneumatic gate - two-side