Screw conveyor ⌀273/6,000
2 087 904 ₸

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Auger assembly |
Pipe Diameter 273 mm, tube length 6000 mm |
Привод: мотор-редуктор. Мощность 9 кВт |
Inspection window for cleaning and maintenance |
Operational documentation |
Шнековый питатель с диаметром трубы 273 мм и длиной 6 000 мм с производительностью до 105 тонн в час. Служит для транспортирования цемента и других сыпучих порошкообразных материалов.
Supplies of cement silo (rastarivatelya) in cement dispenser or directly into the mixer body.
- Capacity up to 105 tons per hour
- Pipe Diameter 273 mm, tube length 6000 mm
- Привод: мотор-редуктор 9 кВт
- Compact size during transport (folding)
- Inspection window for cleaning and maintenance
- Fully wound helix, 4 mm thick
- Sandblasted, 100 micron anti-static powder coating
Technical Features


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with prices for each item


in trucks or containers
Geography of supplies 2011-2024
Own production, in-stock products and
professional team allow us guarantee
most competitive prices, shortest
possible delivery time and high-quality goods
Call hotline in Kazakhstan
Our managers will answer all your questions from Monday till Friday:
from 06:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m. (GMT+3, Moscow time)
Address: 010000, Kazakhstan, Akmola region,
г. Astana, prospekt Akžol, Zdanie 44, of. 32

Artem Kononovich
Director of the branch in Kazakhstan
Phone: +7 (7172) 760-141
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